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Study Articles
Here you will find a wealth of knowledge and insights to help you deepen your understanding of the Scriptures. We hope that these articles will inspire and edify you on your spiritual journey.
Study Articles for Your Edification
Culdee Christian Dietary Laws
Are the dietary laws mentioned in Scripture for today? If so, what are the Culdee traditions surrounding them?
Creed of the Anchorite Llandevi Brevi
Marriage and the Coming Kingdom
Will we be married to our spouse/spouses in the Kingdom? Some thoughts to ponder.
Historical papers on Germanic History, as it pertains to Scripture.
The Peoples of Genesis 10
Paul and Joseph of Arimathea: Missionaries to the Gentiles
Blue Tunic Army of Christ
Interesting history on an otherwise rarely discussed topic, The Blue Tunic Army
Drama of the Lost Disciples
Full length book discussing the travels of the Apostles, where did they all go in their journeys? What peoples did they witness to?
The Glory of the Stars: A Study of the Zodiac
Full length book on the Mazzaroth, Biblical Zodiac.
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