Our Books
Providing Everything You Need

Sacred Scriptures; ACI Study Edition: Torah, 3rd Ed.: The Set-Apart Scriptures of the Nation of Yisrael in Restoration
Shattering what passes today for Christian doctrine, this will reconnect the reader with the true Apostolic Christianity of the primitive church. It presents for the first time in modern history the full canon of Scripture used by Messiah's disciple Joseph of Arimathea, who founded the Culdee Church in Britain in 37 A.D.
This Study Bible is a corrective translation that carefully uses mostly the "Essentially Literal Translation" method, but also employs the "Dynamic Equivalence" method of translation, for idioms, and other Hebraisms that would be lost by a more literal translation into English.
The doctrine and theological footnotes are the collation of 75 years of research and study by a multi-generational team of Bible scholars, Clergy, Linguistics Experts, Historians, and Archaeologists.
This edition returns and restores the True Names into Paleo-Hebrew and focuses carefully on the Two-House Message, and the impacts of the prophecies upon our lives in the modern times.
This presents the first section of a truly remarkable work.

Walking With Messiah: Discipleship Program for Students of the Word
Walking With Messiah is the discipleship handbook of the Assembly Of Christian Israelites, Originally founded in Britain in AD 37 as the Culdee assembly by Joseph of Arimathea, nearly 300 years before the rise of the church in Rome. This book is designed to teach a person to apply the teachings of the Scriptures to their daily life and to learn to walk with the Messiah.
This book tackles difficult passages of Scripture and explains them in a clear and concise way. It will clear up those questions you have that your Pastors and church leaders could not, or would not answer about Christian doctrine. This is a comprehensive presentation of HOW to be a follower of the Messiah as taught in true primitive Apostolic teachings.

The Book of Enoch: A.C.I. Study Edition
A fresh translation with corrections and footnotes, this is a key teaching edition for all who follow the Enochian tradition or for those who are curious about the esoteric teachings of the Bible itself, of which the Book of Enoch explains much.